Sunday, October 29, 2006 - dark gray redesign (vC)

"Cool dark gray YouTube style."

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The New American Idol... The Coder

"Competitive coding is where it's at."

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Debugging make

"make and utilities like it are fundamental tools for streamlining the application build process. Learn the structure of the makefile, how to avoid common mistakes in its creation, and how to solve or work around portability issues and other problems as they crop up."

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

How To Become A Hacker

"A Guide on How To Become A Ethical Hacker"

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Drag and drop with the Grid - Part 1

"The Grid's new Drag and Drop feature is based entirely on the YAHOO.util.DragDrop library. Interacting with dragged rows from the grid is exactly the same as interacting with any other YUI drag and drop object."

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Fifteen Exercises for Learning a new Programming Language

"Here are 15 exercises that will help you learn and get familiar with a programming language in no time."

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How I Explained REST to My Wife

"This is a very interesting article that describes in very easily understandable ways what REST is and why people in the computer since field need to pay much more attention to standards and the amazing things that would be possible if we did."

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CNET's Ruby on Rails Toolbox

"Find out all the open source servers, plugins, libraries, and other tools used by two of CNET's Ruby on Rails powered sites, and Chowhound."

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403 Forbidden: A Geek's Guide to Rejection

"You are on Digg. That means you're Either a Geek or . . . well, you're a Geek. Here's a funny article that helps translate Chick Rejections to a language we Geeks can better understand."

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Ask Digg: .NET or Java?

"I'd be interested to know which direction diggers would go if you were just starting out programming. Given that .NET appears to be cross platform with things like MONO and Rotor, cross-platform capabilities seems to be a moot point? I'd really like to hear the pros and cons of either platform. In other words sell me on .NET or Java...."

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Deconstructing .NET 3.0

"In 2000, Microsoft released the first beta of a product called .NET 1.0. The product, a framework of classes, was the answer to problems that Microsoft faced from the developer community, particularly the Java community. Microsoft was seen as old-fashioned and behind the times. The .NET Framework convinced many, and now developers embrace .NET."

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

New Version 1.1 of AJAX-Powered dhtmlxGrid

"Scand has announced the release of dhtmlxGrid v.1.1, JavaScript grid component which brings Excel-like functionality on the web. Besides Ajax support, rich cell editing capabilities and client-side sorting presented in previous version, dhtmlxGrid v1.1 delivers some new functionality including cells merging (colspan functionality), freezed columns"

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Greasemonkey Script To Put Google Reader In GMail

"You can now check your GMail and Google Reader at the same time with this amazing Greasemonkey script that will show a link for your feeds in the sidebar of GMail. It will also show you how many unread feeds you currently have and when you click on the link it pulls up your unread articles!"

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Create better applications faster

"In our struggle to build large, complex applications we must work hard to find those things which do work well together and avoid those that don't. As development teams get larger it becomes harder and harder to keep a consistency of vision that keeps every developer focused on the same design approaches."

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404 Research Lab - everything about 404 page not found

"It even includes the history of 404, some of the best, witty, cool 404 pages."

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Google helps you hack any computer.

"Want to know which programs have security issues that need to be fixed? Using Google Code Search, finding likely candidates is a snap."

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The seven secrets of successful programmers

"It is one of the most pervasive misunderstandings in computing that the source code is for the computer's consumption. Computers work with low-level binary code, a series of impenetrable 1's and 0's or hexadecimal numbers, not the structured high level languages we code in. The reason that these languages were developed was to help the programmer."

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Hacking Web 2.0 Applications with Firefox

"This article looks at some of the methods, tools and tricks to dissect web 2.0 applications (including Ajax) and discover security holes using Firefox and its plugins. The key learning objectives of this article are to understand the:"

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Version 2.0 of JonDesign's SmoothSlideshow Javascript Library is out

"The new version of this impressive little tool features useability improvements, major code rewrite (now using MooTools and objects), graphic changes and bugfixes.As always, this lib provides a simple way to install great looking slideshow or showcases to your website, in less than 20kb of javascript code."

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Mastering Ajax, Part 4: Exploiting DOM for Web response

"The great divide between programmers (who work with back-end applications) and Web programmers (who spend their time writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) is long standing. However, the Document Object Model (DOM) bridges the chasm and makes working with both XML on the back end and HTML on the front end possible and an effective tool."

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Book Review: C++ for beginners

"Illustrated, colourful and well explained, C++ Programming in Easy Steps is a good grounding in the language if you've never programmed before and for the price is relatively good value. But do factor in the cost of your next C++ book, because this one will only get you so far before you're ready to tackle more challenging programming tasks."

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Developers are from Mars, Programmers are from Venus

"Many of us use the terms "programmer" and "developer" interchangeably. A very good article describing the actual difference between the two."

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Funky JavaScript - works on all websites (even digg)

"Just paste the JavaScript given in you address bar after visiting any website. Try it now on digg. :) The code is given in the comments as well."

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CheatSheet: Regular Expressions

"Great one for quick reference. Take a printout or save this jpg in your desktop."

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tutorial on Good Lisp Programming Style by Peter Norvig

"An outstanding tutorial on Lisp programming style by Peter Norvig and Kent Pitman. The material is easy to relate to other higher-order languages."

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Ping Your Blog Automatically, Using This Perl Script

"The following Perl program pings your blog to several online update services. This can be scripted to run routinely (e.g. cron job)."

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Map: What Does the Internet Look Like?

""This visualization represents a macroscopic snapshot of the IPv6 Internet topology collected around March 4th, 2005. Topology data gathered from 17 monitors probing approximately 860 globally routable IPv6 network prefixes include 2,913 IPv6 addresses and 7,905 IPv6 links (immediately adjacent addresses in a traceroute-like path).""

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